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Medical Records | ChartPower

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ChartPower is the best choice for the doctor, the staff, and the practice for electronic medical records (EMR). This module utilizes touch screens for a fast, efficient, and easy method of input for patient chart notes.

You no longer have to wade through mounds of papers and charts to access the patient information. You may even attach the patients electronic photograph to the chart for easy recognition. All pertinent information may be segregated by patient incident, yet the critical information (i.e. allergies, etc.) is shared across all incidents for the patients chart notes.

The module is released intact with thousands of pre-built forms with medical information in place for operation. No learning schemes are required. You do not have to train the system, it is already designed in a manner familiar to your day to day requirements. The medical data set home base has the sixteen standard body systems as outlined in the HCFA, November, 1997 Documentation Guidelines for Evaluation and Management Services.

Voice Integration
When those times arise that you need unusual notes about a particular patient chart, use some of the most popular Voice to Text dictation software to input the note. All areas of chart note input are accessible via the keyboard; thus, when the keyboard input is active, the voice integration is active as well. This method provides the speed and accuracy of the touch screen in combination with the convenience of voice translation without the stress of constant dictation.
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