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Higher patient expectations are resulting in increasing frustration, loss of control, higher overhead, and decreasing income. e-MDs Chart helps physicians meet these challenges.
Intuitive, Customizable. Allows swift and complete documentation at the point of care. Medication order entry reduces errors, resulting in better patient care. Integrated evidence-based guidelines assist the physician in providing optimal care for chronic diseases. This translates into better outcomes and higher patient satisfaction.
Increased Profitability and Rapid ROI. Chart increases profitability by decreasing documentation time, justifying higher coding levels, prompting for complete charge capture, eliminating transcription expense, reducing paper costs, and decreasing malpractice exposure. Practice profitability is not necessarily dependent on seeing more patients to make up for reduced reimbursement. The key is increasing the efficiency of your current operational workflow without compromising quality of care. The combination of higher reimbursement for cognitive services combined with saving two hours each day in visit and documentation time and decreased expenses, routinely result in revenue increases over $100,000 per doctor per year.
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