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Medical Records Archive
Past medical / surgical histories automatically drop into a new visit
Store standardized interactions as templates for rapid documentation
Store multiple drug prescription regimens as standard templates for rapid reuse on future patients
44 item user security profile
Tracks all documentation criteria, printing, archiving, prescriptions, discharges, medication orders by user passwords.
Track documentation point of access location
Physicians and Nurses can be documenting on same patient from different workstations simultaneously
Assign Midlevel and Resident profiles to require attending note prior to archiving records
Record and print EMTALA required patient transfer forms
Network printers to departments require printed copies of documents
Discharge instructions include referral physicians demographic
Code Blue interactions can be recorded entirely through point and click
Critical event, procedural event time stamps
Administrative Panel Lock
Permanent Record Archive can’t be changed
Ability to set shift log off time. i.e. If you are working a 12 hours shift, you become permanently logged off at shift change.
Intermittent inactivity log off, enables user to set predefined time in which to log off system if no patient documentation activity has taken place
Works with voice recognition
Wireless capable
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