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Via Unbound Medicines award-winning CogniQ platform, these leading references will stay up to date simply by synchronizing your handheld. There is no need to download large installer files each month and re-install the entire application, as is required by other products. Instead, only new or changed medications will be be sent to you, and they will be downloaded automatically the moment they become available!
This package includes:
A to Z Drug Facts -- produced by Facts and Comparisons -- provides detailed information on thousands of medication such as: dosing, indications, contraindications, side effect, drug interactions, patient information and more. It is the ideal drug reference for physicians, students, residents, pharmacists, nurses, nurse practitioners, and physicians assistants.
Drug Interaction Facts -- produced by Facts and Comparisons -- allows you to check drug-drug and drug-food interactions for thousands of brand and generic drugs. Select any number of medications, including combination drugs and foods, and quickly retrieve all the 1-1 interactions ranked by severity, then review a detailed monograph for each interaction.
Review of Natural Products -- produced by Facts and Comparisons -- is the foremost source of current natural product information for health care professionals. It contains more than 300 natural product monographs based on scientific research, not anecdotal information.
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