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The 5-Minute Pediatric Consult, Third Edition for PDA is a well-structured pediatric consult for Palm OS, Windows CE, and Pocket PC handheld devices. This best-selling reference is designed for quick consultation on problems seen in infants, children, and adolescents. Covering more than 500 clinical topics, this handheld reference delivers rapid fingertip access to crucial details, enabling a quick diagnosis and treatment. Coverage includes a database, differential diagnosis, data gathering, physical examination, laboratory aids, therapy, follow-up, commonly asked questions, and emergency care. New topics in this edition include anthrax, smallpox, intersex, daytime wetting, and Herpes 6, 7, and 8.
The Third Edition now includes: Syndrome Glossary, Cardiology Laboratory, Surgical Glossary, Laboratory Values, Tables, Medications and images.
With Skyscape’s patented smARTlink technology, 5mPeds3 can easily cross-index with other clinical and drug prescription products from Skyscape to provide a powerful and integrated source of information that you can carry with you wherever you go!
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